
Travel lesson 3: Choosing between two friends


What can still take unexpected turns life. If you had told me five years ago that I would take a small pension to explore the world, I would have laughed hard and maybe a few excuses have figured out why I was not going to do that. And maybe that is the problem, Find excuses to justify why we are not going to do what we do like to do secretly, but not yet dare.

A good friend asked me how I did it. Letting go and start all over again with no guarantee that I could pick up the thread again in two years. And my honest answer: "No idea, I just do it. "However, her question was intriguing, mainly the words release in security have kept me busy for weeks. But I came to the conclusion that while walking towards Compostela:

release in security are good friends, but that they will never play together. release loves adventure, wants to rediscover himself, would waive, wants to be free, want to find, want to live in the moment, while security is very keen to settle down, himself wants to stay, hates change, wants to live in comfort, want to follow and want to be found.

Then I knew I had chosen to strike up a friendship with release, with all its consequences. It's a choice that makes every man and one is not better than the other, only every relationship has its own advantages. And depending on where you sit as you choose your friends in your life from. security was my best friend for years and it hurt to terminate our relationship. She taught me what comfort, how does a safe haven and how the present circumstances could determine my life, but these things pleased me no more, so it was time for a new friend who could teach me new things.

Now, five years later, with a laptop bag, a book full of ideas and with fewer excuses than when, I am the world to explore and a true digital nomad with my new best friend release.

But his friendship with release does not mean that I no longer need or do, on the contrary, I am now much more (read, listening to my favorite music, travel, walk, to meet with friends, write, visit museums, learn a new language, gather knowledge about different ones and topics ... ..)

The days seem to be doubled to get the energy just does not seem to, So if I may give you a modest advice, Choose your friends carefully and do not be afraid to occasionally choose between two friends because that's not treason but rather love yourself.

One Comment

  • karina

    Hi, Diana, how are you?
    Enter your blog to see new beam position.
    I like your blog, but I hope ke put more photos
    of the beautiful scenery that finds you on your journey!

    kiss and take care

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