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A year ago I started as a blogger. At first I saw blogging as a way to share my travel experiences with others and -belevenissen. But otherwise I had no idea what kind of blogger would I be, until the day I was allowed to take a peek into the lives of other travelers or rather digital nomads. Along the way I met many of these digital nomads who also had a travel blog, in fact today all travelers have a blog but that aside. Their blogs were quite different but as bloggers all had one thing in common, namely, the urge to as much and as often as possible posts wanting. They talked about one or more articles per day ?, this was their strategy to attract new followers and to maintain the ancients. I was quite jealous of their strategy, since I am without any knowledge of blogging or WordPress started. Their strategy sounded very tempting, but the reality behind the scenes was a letdown for me. I saw them during a bus ride with the laptop on your lap write the necessary blogs, because one day not posted cared for them as a day wasted. Then I realized that their way of blogging was not for everyone, and certainly not for me.

Blogging is a lifestyle that you need to address and where you can have fun mainly to, at least as I see it. Therefore, an abnormal blog against my better judgment I make of Journey Book. A blog where you will not encounter everyday items as a follower as is the case in most of the blogs. I do namely to Slow Blogging. It was from the beginning as, but now I make the official announcement to avoid disappointments in my sporadic visits. My regular followers are my weeklong silence blog by now accustomed. What I want to stay away from the fast feed and fast-click bloggers culture, where many bloggers consciously choose. With the disadvantage that you as a reader overloaded with too great articles and videos too nice and too great information. Indeed, everything is too nice with the best intentions, but I'm seriously wondering if we as human as can best handle a lot of information. I myself too often feel like I hit bogged down in the amount of content from blogs. And without noticing I miss the core of their stories. With this reasoning in mind, I choose to be a Slow Blogger, someone who wants to inspire others through her blog without preservatives or E numbers.

I want to share with you something that can inspire you to travel. That does not necessarily have to be abroad or to an exotic place. yourself, as humans are already a world Flashy more than it is worth to explore. So my journey has ever started, purely from the inspiration that others have released me to go experience new things, by living more i.p.v. to survive, but mainly to pursue my dreams regardless of what others would think of it. That's what I want to accomplish with my blog and as my mother once said to me: “The best stew must cook long hours.” En ja, I would not go Slow Blogging if I do not want to make the best stew, one that tastes good and is easy to digest my readers.

But my mother said,: “Everything has a risk” I think the biggest risk is that I can now run some followers find my style Slow Blogging nothing. And that there is okay because luckily enough bloggers who offer fast feed. Everyone can choose what best suits them, This now applies to bloggers, maar eigenlijk voor alle aspecten van je leven.

Now, as a conclusion of this super long post, I want to thank my loyal followers because you still believe in my stew.

XOXO from a slow spot somewhere in Thailand.


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